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ParaFinn domain will try to give info of all latest innovations, Software/Application suitable for up to date and modern Parapsychological testing - wordwide! And You can be part of this, in just using eq. your phone! Parastudies are also now gonna follow the time = Pararevolution is here and NOW!

Latest innovative equipment


Most of our test/experiment are to be done in using the most innovative at the moment available NeuroSky equipment and suitable software and applications. Our test are to be run on many platforms = PC Windows/Linux, Android tablets/phones and Mac/Ipad etc.  In all test/experiement we will record and logg all the tests/experiment locally and to cloud services and archived. Including audio/image/video. Our HW setups will allow simultaneous logging/recording for the following parameters:
brainwave /ECG/ambient temperature, operators temperature and skin resistance, magnetic flux, gravity field, compass, GPS, atmospheric pressure, low light/inrared video, normal and subsonic/ audio, light level, exact time. Most of this data we get wireless (Bluetooth/WIFI) so the necessary wiring is minimal. The PC's eq. used is are 'very speedy' Windows 8 installations, dual large screen monitoring, 3 terabytes of external (USB 3) HD space, two 50 Mb Internet connections and of course needed software. To get International co-operation working, we are just now planning and designing a proper common 'report/schedule/logging/archiving form to be used worlwide. This is one of the most demanding job in trying to give 'scientific future and power' to our operations. We are no fanatics! We are just trying to find the needed 'Resonace' of mind in using the latest scientific innovations and equipment.

First we are gonna try to run some preliminary Zener Card test. Eq. our main computer' is random selecting one Zener Card, at a given time. This card is to be shown to, eq. 1.000.000 phone/other equipment users on our web page. We ask all those partisipiants to try to sent 'that card' to the mind of te operator, who is completely isolated from 'any nets'. Then we combine hish/her selection to the card the 'audence tried to 'send to the operator to be selected'. 
This just a very simple example of the first test planned, but we have to start in doing something concretic and simple in the beginning. But! The Power for our operations is gonna be - we can have up to 3 billion active co-operators! 

Latest software/applications tested

Here we are gonna publish/introduce/test many of the existing/coming new products.
This page is still open - I have not yet got the permission from several possible co-operators to use their photos, text, ads etc on this forum.
Already got some positive answers - but waiting many more before the
Autums when I'm gonna launch this ParaFinn forum/domain Internationally.

In the meantime just 'Googe' titles :
'Parapsychologic' today 2015,
What's new in parasciences today 2015
Parasciences 2015
Links to parapsychological Meetings, Exhibition, Lectures 2015

I'm waiting for details about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell us what's your product/services and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are. We are ready to publish your info worldwide. Free of charge.


Test plans/projects planned

* Astral projection * Auras * Bilocation * Clairvoyance * Psychic  * OBE
* Deathbed phenomena * Dermo-optic   perception * Recognition * Dream
   telepathy * UFO * Extrasensory perception * Ganzfeld experiment
* Ghosts * Kirlian photography * Materialization * Medium ship
* Near-death experience * Radionics * Pam Reynolds case * Past life
   regression * Poltergeist * Radiesthesia * Plant perception (paranormal)  
 * Phychic abilities * Psychic detective * Psychic reading * Raudive
* Psychic surgery * Psychokinesis * Psychometry * Pyrokinesis
* Reincarnation * Remote viewing * Retrocognition * Second sight
* Sensory leakage * Telepathy * Xenoglossy * Zener cards

* And many more other areas and branches of interest ….


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